Breeze on By

Everything's Sunny, Everything's Right, Yeah! Summer Days And Nights Just Breeze On By*

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

My Mediocrity is Frightening

So says the internet. Well, at least this Encarta Halloween Myths Quiz thinks that.

I got 6 out of 10 correct. How did you do?

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Halloween Fun

Since I'm too busy to blog today.....I'll share this game with you in the spirit of Halloween.

It's harder than I thought it would be!! And the skeleton is mean.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Here I Go Again...

I'm off traveling again this weekend. Going to visit my parents. And we will have extras there this weekend too! My brother has something going on in Fargo, so he is going to drop off my favorite niece (I can say that - the other one isn't here yet) on his way. So we get to have CJ all day Saturday - should be fun! I finished her hat and can't wait to give it to her!

When I was up in Minot a couple weeks ago, while we were getting ready for bed on Friday night I got out the tape measure, measured her head and told her I was going to make her a hat. When we got up Saturday morning, she asked, "Where's my hat?" Hope the two weeks she had to wait were worth it! lol!

In other news....

I've completed and submitted my admission papers for Dickinson State. I meet with my advisor next week to get registered for classes in January. It's nice having the time off from school and studying, but I kind of miss it! Looking forward to getting back to school.

Tb is doing good - the powers that be are working on his parole and probation guidelines. He wants to move home instead of going to a halfway house. I would rather see him at home than in one of those places. But there will have to be rules and the rules will have to be followed. I'm going to make him come up with the rules this time. (Pending my approval) One thing the officer I spoke with suggested was that he have a curfew - at least for awhile. I'm okay with that. He would have one if he were in a halfway house, so this shouldn't be an issue. But I'm sure it will be for him. Of course, give the choice between coming home at a reasonable hour or going to jail, I'd come home.

Tuesday night we held another stich-n-bitch. The library here has a cute little coffee shop in it so we thought we would check it out. Tuesday's are buy 1 get 1 free day! I'm not a coffee drinker, but had some great hot chocolate and we tried a couple different kinds of gelato. We have decided to make this a weekly venture. Yeah!

So as long as I was at the library, I paid my fine. $10.90. WTF? Can't remember what I had out that I like so much I kept it for an extra 109 days....but contribution to funding the library. I'm such a philanthropist. As long as the fine was paid, I decided to check out a book on cd for the trip this weekend. I got Velocity by Dean Koontz. Looking forward to listening to that.

Last night about 10 to 9 there was a knock on my door. It was my neighbor from downstairs. They were having a birthday party and had extra cake. I love her. She was offering it as a peace offering - she thinks her kids are loud. I have never heard them. Not once. But, if it will get me cake, I may start complaining.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Look at that Sky!

Just came in from a nice walk around the capitol grounds....could that sky be any bluer??? It's just beautiful out today!

Fall Foliage - #7

What a beautiful day we had yesterday! This was taken at 4:30 pm - 67 degrees - it's almost November! Today is supposed to get up to 70! Then tomorrow it will be 47 and rainy.....Regular North Dakota fall weather.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Had My Brain Scanned

I was pretty sure that was what was up there.....

Friday, October 19, 2007

Let Me Entertain You

....or at least tell you what's been entertaining me!

Before I drove up to Minot last weekend, I bought the new Maroon 5 cd, It Won't Be Soon Before Long. It is so good!! On a scale of 1-10, I'd give it a 16. Really, it's that good. I especially love the song "Won't Go Home Without You". Just for the record, Adam Levine can take me home anytime he wants.

I'm almost done with season two of Eureka, I'm really digging this show - Just two episodes left to watch on the DV-R (loving that thing too!) If you haven't seen this show - you should! Science, Romance, Drama, Comedy, Action....all in one spot!

Speaking of the DV-R - I am going to need a snow day! I have about 15 movies recorded - When will I get them all watched??? I'm going to Jamestown on Saturday - seeing Tb and my mom. Plus this is a work at the crap-job weekend. Planning on visiting my parents next weekend. Dad has been hunting, there is pheasant to eat at their house. Yum.

And since I can't figure out how to put a YouTube video on here....I'll just have to put a link to a new Jeep commercial that cracks me up!

Fall Foliage - Part Six

Cold, windy, dreary day....

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Time for a Meme

Tug tagged nobody and I'm a big nobody and I haven't done one of these in oh-so-long - so here goes....

What kind of SOAP is in your bathtub right now? Suave Shea & Cocoa Butter Body Wash, Suave Coconut Body Wash, Suave Lavender Body Wash, Body Shop Shea Butter, and Dove. I like soap.
Do you have any watermelon in your refrigerator? No, I have some watery lettuce though.
What would you change about your living room? New sofa. And maybe doing some dusting.
Are the dishes in your dishwasher clean or dirty? Clean - I hate unloading it.
What is in your fridge? Milk, butter, eggs, 12 pack of caffeine-free diet Coke, watery lettuce, apples, pickles, catsup, salad dressing, leftover tuna hotdish, leftover stuffed cabbage, some wine coolers, 4 cans of beer, soy sauce, teriyaki sauce......I cook - there’s other stuff too, but I’m bored already with this question.
White or wheat bread? White if I bake it, Wheat if I buy it. And at over $3.00 a loaf, I don't buy much.
What is on top of your refrigerator? Cookie jar, planter with writing utensils, margarita mix, bottle of vodka and an oil burner.
What color or design is on your shower curtain? HOT pink!
How many plants are in your home? Five
Is your bed made right now? Is my mother coming? No? Then it’s not.
Comet or Soft Scrub? Yes.
Is your closet organized? Sorta - it’s messy, but I know where things are....
Can you describe your flashlight? Silver with black trim. It’s behind the fridge. Anybody wanna come help me get it?
Do you drink out of glass or plastic most of the time at home? Plastic
Do you have iced tea made in a pitcher right now? I hate iced tea, why would I make it?If you have a garage, is it cluttered? Not really. It does need a good cleaning though.
Curtains or blinds? Curtains - I hate dusting blinds.
How many pillows do you sleep with? Two - one for my head and one to snuggle with.
Do you sleep with any lights on at night? No - there is a light right outside my bedroom window - makes for a nice nightlight.
How often do you vacuum? This is supposed to be on a schedule? Hmmm....when I spill something or company is coming.
Standard toothbrush or electric? Both
What color is your toothbrush? Electric is white, the other one is purple
Do you have a welcome mat on your front porch? I live in an apartment, there is no front porch dammit.
What is in your oven right now? A cast iron frying pan
Is there anything under your bed? The leaf for the dining room table and probably a sock or two. And a nice family of dust bunnies.
Chore you hate doing the most? Unloading the dishwasher
What retro items are in your home? Is there a difference between retro and antique?
Do you have a separate room that you use as an office? No.
How many mirrors are in your home? 5
Do you have any hidden emergency money around your home? Does the cookie jar I throw my change into count?
What color are your walls? BORING white
Do you keep any kind of protection weapons in your home? A baseball bat
What does your home smell like right now? Probably the garbage I forgot to haul this morning - errr, I mean Body Shop Exotic Oil.
Favorite candle scent? Apple cinnamon
What kind of pickles (if any) are in your refrigerator right now? Clausen’s Sandwich Slices - yum!
What color is your favorite Bible? Black
Ever been on your roof? No
Do you own a stereo? No
How many TVs do you have? 2
How many house phones? Zero
Do you have a housekeeper? Only when my mother visits...she loves to clean! I just put her to work and call her "Cinderelly".
What style do you decorate in? Style? WTF does that mean? I’m happy if anything matches.
Do you like solid colors in furniture or prints? Yes.
Is there a smoke detector in your home? Yes - and it even works!
In case of fire, what are the items in your house which you’d grab if you only could make one quick trip? My purse.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Long Time No Blogging

I've been busy!

Hostfest was lots of fun. My sister-in-law scored some free tickets, so we went on Friday night and had to go through pretty fast, so didn't see much entertainment - we saw a few minutes of Bjoro Haaland, a Norwegian with a beautiful voice; listened to two songs by the Ringling Five, a group of 8 or 9 cowboys from Montana who crack me up; caught a bit of Williams and Ree and got to hear their catchy ditty - "He Died with His Ding Dong in His Hand"; and caught the opening number of The Oak Ridge Boys. If you haven't heard of them - google 'em yourself. I ate Norwegian food - SIL had German food - but she is a full-blood German. I did take some pictures - wish I would have gotten more - I will next time!

Saturday spent the day with Brother JJ, SIL and the world's cutest 4 year old, my neice CJ. We went shopping and over to visit my uncle - had a nice surprise there - my cousin and her husband from Dallas were there, hadn't seen them for long time! We bought some pumpkins and went out to dinner.

Sunday we just hung out at home - I left about 11:30 - but didn't get out of town until I had walked around the Scandinavian Heritage Park and of course, took more pictures. I also stopped in Washburn and took a few more, but haven't created a set specifically for them just yet.

Have I mentioned that I love Flickr?

All-in-all - it was the best weekend I've had in a long, long, long time!!

In other news - hmmm, there is no other news. Work - good; Tb - good; Knitting - super good - doing lots and lots of it!!

Monday, October 15, 2007

My New Man

Well, he ain't much to look at, but he's always got wood.

Friday, October 12, 2007

I'm Off!

I'm off to Hostfest - be back in a few days. Unless, like this lucky lady, I meet the troll of dreams and we run off to live under a nice bridge somewhere.....

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Sugar and Cream

Sugar and Cream yarn now comes in a "self-striping" variety. Had to try it! It's not as stripey as I thought it would be, but I like it anyway!

I've just been on a tear making dishclothes lately. I think I've finished 5 of them in the last 3 weeks. Oh well, they make nice Christmas gifts!

Kmart Takes Returns - Right?

Your Halloween Costume Should Be

I should have taken this test last week - I bought a witch costume. I'd make a great Elvis!

Thankyou, thankyouverymuch!!

Fall Foliage - Part V

Okay - for five weeks now I've gone and taken a pic here. For the full set check this out.

Good thing it is still beeeee - ewe - tee - ful weather - I hope to keep this up for awhile, I'm having fun with it - but not sure I'll want to stand up on the hill with 30 below wind chills! brr.

Monday, October 08, 2007

Rainy Days and Mondays

It's not raining, but it is Monday and I am down.

Wish I had someone to talk to.

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Watch Out - It's Catchy

I'm at the crap-job. Yesterday, Mr. H. called in sick. Today, he gave us his explanation.

Mr. H is a strange little fellow. If you looked in the dictionary under "in-bred hillbilly redneck" you would find his picture. I think he is also listed under "moronic imbecile".

Anyway, last weekend one of the other slaves here wasn't feeling all that well, but she came to work anyway.

Today Mr. H came to work and explained his absence yesterday. He had caught what slave girl had. Without missing a beat, slave girl replied "I wasn't sick, I had my period."


Thursday, October 04, 2007

Books by the Pound - 2007

Twice a year our local library sells books. By the pound. You pay $1.00/lb for paperbacks and $0.50/lb for hardcovers.

Look what I got for $9.00!

I may have to throw an Esquire party.

More Fall Foliage

Looks like the trees in the front are almost bare. Wish I was better at getting the "same" shot each time, but they are all in the general vicinity!! If you want to see all 4 together, go here.
This pic definitely has the prettiest sky of the set.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Small Town Livin'

Okay, so one of my things to change about me is to start dating again. Or at least attempt it. So today, just for shits and giggles, I reactivated my profile on a dating site. I saw a guy that might be interesting and checked out his profile. I'm waiting for a current photo to be approved, so I didn't initiate any contact....yet.

After work tonight, I went and got an oil change then stopped to get some groceries. When I go to check out, who is there in line right in front of me? Martin - yep - you guessed right - he's the guy whose profile I checked out. Now, Bismarck has a population of about 55,000 people. What are the odds that on the very day I "check this guy out", he's in front of me in line at the grocery store? And it's not even the store I normally go to!

So anyway....there were no sparks there in the line, but I do have to ask this question - When short men measure how tall there are, do they use a different size ruler than other people? I am 5'7 1/2" tall - he has 5'6" in his profile. I KNOW I was at least 4 inches taller than he was. Maybe more. And why can't I get over this aversion to short men?

I'll keep looking. Probably.

White Cloud

Sunday while I was out playing with my camera, I made a stop at Frontier Village in Jamestown which is home to the National Buffalo Museum and a very rare albino buffalo named White Cloud. On August 31st, she beat the odds and gave birth to a white calf. Her 4 previous calves have been brown. I was hoping to get a glimpse of them while I was there, and I did.

If you click on the photo, it should enlarge and you can get a "closer" view of these rare animals.
You can also read more about them here. If you are feeling especially creative, there is a contest there you can enter to name the baby.

New Yarn!!

Q: What is 45% Silk, 45% Kid Mohair, 10% Lamb's wool and sets you back $30?

A: This yarn

Now that I know how to cable - I have to have some yarn to make a new scarf!! Right? Wish you could feel it!

Monday, October 01, 2007

Road Trip!

Yesterday I travelled to Jamestown to visit Tb. He is doing well, it was really good to see him in his own clothes and in a more relaxed atmosphere.

I had some fun with my camera on the way home....hope to get the really good ones uploaded to flickr sometime real soon.....

World's Largest Buffalo

A sunflower ready for harvest

The World's Largest Sandhill Crane