Breeze on By

Everything's Sunny, Everything's Right, Yeah! Summer Days And Nights Just Breeze On By*

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Some North Dakota Facts

I love North Dakota. Here's some info about it: (My smart ass comments are italicized)

In North Dakota, it is unlawful to serve beer and pretzels at the same time in any bar or restaurant. (Good thing I can have my margarita and chips with salsa!)

According to FBI data, North Dakota was the safest place in the nation in 2004 and 2005. (Yeah!)

The term flickertail, as in Flickertail State, refers to the Richardson ground squirrels, which are abundant in North Dakota. The animal flicks or jerks its tail in a characteristic manner while running or just before entering its burrow. (I never knew this...)

North Dakota has more registered vehicles than it has residents. (But we don't park them on our lawns.)

New Salem North Dakota is home to Salem Sue, the world's largest Holstein Cow. Standing 38 feet tall, Sue is 50 feet long and weighs some six tons. (She rocks!)

The coastline around Lake Sakakawea in North Dakota is longer than the California coastline along the Pacific Ocean. (Too bad it's not warm and sandy like the Pacific coastline)

During the Lewis and Clark expedition, each of the men ate 9-12 pounds of meat per day while staying at Fort Mandan in order to stay warm. (And so began the Atkins Diet)

The parking meter was invented in North Dakota. (Do we have any parking meters in use in North Dakota??)

Jamestown boasts the world's largest buffalo at 26 feet tall and 36 feet long.Weighing in at some sixty tons, the concrete bison located at Frontier Village guards the grain elevator with its unblinking eyes. (Tatanka)

North Dakota is the only state in the nation that has never had an earthquake.(This isn't quite true, BUT there has never been a major earthquake)

North Dakota was the first state to complete its Interstate highway system. (It's only about 300 miles long, straight as a stick and not many towns got in the way)

North Dakota hosts almost fifty local and regional rodeos that attract hundreds of cowboys each year.

It is illegal to lie down and fall asleep with your shoes on in North Dakota. (WHY??)

10,000 years ago, the state's eastern edge was a vast glacial lake bed.

North Dakota has 60 wildlife refuges, which is more than any other state. More ducks reproduce in North Dakota wetlands than anywhere in the nation.

North Dakota has more miles of road per capita than any other state with approximately 166 miles of road for every 1000 people.

If North Dakota seceded from the Union, it would be the world's third strongest nuclear power. (Don't fuck with us)

North Dakota has the highest number of millionaires per capita than any other state. (ummm, hello!?!....I'm single!)



Blogger Tug said...

HOLY SHIT, even my bifocs won't read if you'll excuse me I need to go uncross my eyes.

4:10 PM  
Blogger Cooth said...

You old fart. I fixed it for you.

8:29 AM  
Blogger kT said...

Duck fucks...hee.

We've mostly disarmed. Just for the record. So we've probably fallen to the 5th or 6th strongest nuclear power.

In Atlanta, Georgia, it is still illegal to tie your giraffe to a lamp post. And I've violated the shoe law.

10:14 AM  

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