Breeze on By

Everything's Sunny, Everything's Right, Yeah! Summer Days And Nights Just Breeze On By*

Thursday, October 12, 2006

LaVida Loca

Temperature is 26. Wind Chill, 5. This sucks. Two days of cold and I'm already sick of winter.

So, new quarter started at school last week. I'm taking three classes this quarter, so my Monday, Tuesday and Thursday nights are booked.

Monday nights is History of Pop Culture and Social Change. We have 3 textbooks. We don't have to read all of each text, but there are two of them that I probably will read completely: After the Fact: The Art of Historical Detection and The Seventies: The Great Shift in American Culture, Society, and Politics. The class is about events that have shaped popular culture since WWII. We will be discussing mostly the media -- movies, music, television --- and have to do a paper on a television show. I'm doing mine on American Bandstand. We will be using class time to watch movies, I'm not real thrilled about that. And there are a couple of movies we will be seeing that I have abso-tively no desire to ever see. But, the overall content of the class interests me and I do like the instructor. Rumor has it, it's an easy A.

My Tuesday night class is Compensation and Benefits. Now, a large part of my current job is payroll, so I'm thinking this might be a relatively easy course. No. Wrong. The class is a freshman level course. The book, graduate level. WTF? We had a test on Tuesday night that left me nearly brain-dead. OY. But, love the teacher, love the other HR gals in the class and the subject matter - guess I just need to work harder.

Thursdays is Introduction to Micro-Computers. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. I spend all day at a computer. The class covers Word - do that. Excel - do that. Access - have sorta done that. Power Point - haven't done that yet. Boring class, cute but boring teacher, not excited about this class at all.

Kt is in Spain, the cats are still alive after a week of my care. Wish I had more time to spend over there with them. I did have one my best naps ever on Saturday afternoon while spending quality time with the kitties. I'll have to do that again this Saturday.

Tomorrow, Tb and I are going to Minot. Hostfest is happening! My aunt and uncle from California are here for it. Ma & Pa are up there....have another uncle that lives there, as well as my bro and his wife and that cutie patootie niece of mine! Should be a fun day. We won't be going to Hostfest this year, *sniffle*, but can't wait to see everybody.


Blogger kT said...

You needed a RUMOR to tell you that the pop culture class was an easy A????

And you damn well better work hard in benefits. Someone needs to be able to explain that shit. Besides -- it's finally a class that TEACHES you something USEFUL for your job!

10:16 AM  

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