Breeze on By

Everything's Sunny, Everything's Right, Yeah! Summer Days And Nights Just Breeze On By*

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Strings and Conversations

After much contemplation, I sent the following e-mail to an ex:

I wanna get laid. I like doing that with you. So, if you are interested, just show up at my place tonight -which is Tuesday - at 7:30. You don't have to call and let me know if you are or aren't coming. If you show up, well, you know what happens. If you don't show up for whatever reason – I understand - no explanation is necessary. And just for the record: there will be no strings, no conversations, I'm just looking for good clean fun sex.

I sent it at 6:58 am. At 8:45 am, my phone rings at work. It's him. Conversation goes something like this:
Him: I like the idea, but may not be able to make it.
Me: That's fine. You didn't have to call.
Him: I know, but I've never been good at following directions.
Me: I know.
Him: I may have to help my son get a new vehicle tonight, his was totaled.
Me: That's fine, I really don't need an excuse. Hope the son is okay.
Him: He's fine, some asshole ran a red light. I really want to come over. But I need to tell you some things first. And I want the strings and the conversations.

At that point my heart just melted....swoon....Anyway we had a couple more phone conversations throughout the day, and at 7:45ish...he arrived at my door. Had some fun, had some conversation, strings weren't discussed but just the fact that he admits he wants them, good enough for me.


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